The Crystal Violinist

the crystal violinist

“I have always lived with Music and the Earth. Our house in Sofia, Bulgaria was filled with my father's stones, geologist, and my mother's music, pianist.

I have always had a deep need to communicate with nature, feeling part of myself. To do it, I chose the violin, because the true language of nature is music. It is present everywhere: the birds sing, the wind and the waves of the sea also. Every movement in the Earth or nature is accompanied by particular sounds.  

Thanks to the violin, I truly dialogue with nature, who has so much to teach us. This is the message that I try to share and transmit during my concerts..

The creation of the association and the competition "La Musique et la Terre" tries to find this lost contact with nature.”

Association Friends of music and earth

Honored with Medal of the city of Orsayin 2017, l’association “Friends of music and earth” seeks to establish, through art, harmonious relations between Man and Nature. Its main purpose is to promote the learning and presentation of music related to Nature., and raise people's awareness of environmental issues.

Founders and Artistic Directors : Darina Maleeva and Xavier Lecomte from Bretonnerie.

Main activities :

  • music learning: violin lessons, de harp et de piano
  • Concerts et spectacles
  • Organization of the international competition “Music and Earth”